Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

Articles in this Journal are examined if they approach a scientific - research method and has not been previously published.

Manuscripts should be written in Persian and in compliance with the principles of the target language.

The material presented in this article are the responsibility of the author (s).

The journal is empowered in accepting, rejecting or modifying the content of the article. Received articles will not be returned.

Final approval of the article for publication after receiving the opinion of the editor and referees is upon the editorial board.

The journal does not published translations.

A full version of the article (2007WORD and PDF), along with photos, maps and diagrams (Quality dpi300) with a print request to the editor and in compliance with the provisions of journal articles should be sent through the system.

Articles must be strictly in accordance with the process of the writing of this journal; otherwise before their publication on the list of articles on arbitration, the author will be asked to make corrections in case needed.

Referencing to the published articles in this quarterly in other journals or books without naming the source is prohibited.

Paper Structure

In the structure of the articles the following manners should be observed:

Title should be short, concise and express a clear idea of the article.

Author's Profile should include: (No page number) article's title in full, author (s) 's name with academic ranking, name of institution or place of employment, mailing address, telephone number , fax number, e-mail (If the corresponding author is not the first author, the journal office should be informed in writing).

Contents of the paper should be written on a separate page.

The Persian Abstract, 200-300 words, (it should express the entire aim of the article including the statement of the problem, the research question, objectives, methodology , findings and conclusions are important. Mentioning the title and keywords (three to seven words) on a separate page.

The research questions in this article should not be more than two or three main questions.

Introduction includes statement of the problem (statement of the problem, the importance of the research, the research hypotheses and its relationship to the article), objectives and a general introduction and a brief account on the methodology used.

The text includes theoretical aspects, studies and surveys, research Findings.

Research Findings should be reasonable (Along with a summary of proposed problem) including answers to the research questions in the framework of the findings presented. 

Endnotes: should include Latin equivalents and necessary explanation about the terms and materials of the article, listed at the end of the article.

References should be presented in alphabetical order by author's last name.

Minimum number of images, charts and tables with good quality (images with the dpi 300 resolution in jpg format), and referencing are required. Tables or source images should be mentioned.

References Citation:

Citation within the article :( Last name, year of publication, page) in the bibliography:

Book: author's last name, first name. Date of publication. Title of the book; last name of editor or translator, print issue, place of publication: publisher.

Article: author's last name, first name. Date of publication. "Title of the article"; issue number: the first page - the last page.

Online Article: author's last name, first name. Date of publication. 

"Title of the article"; the title of the journal, number. Articles address (availability of the article on the day, month, and year)

Article should be written on a plain A4 paper using Microsoft Word 2007.  Article submitted should have no typographical errors, the length of the article should be 6000 words at most, 20 pages single spaced using Times New Roman font 11.