Investigating the Presence of Nature in the First Pahlavi ‘s Architectural index buildings(Based on Foucault's Genealogy)

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University,Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor,Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch. Sanandaj, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Golestan University Golestan, Iran.


Architecture is a cultural context and place for reflecting individual and social beliefs, ideas and thoughts, and in different eras, throughout history, has illustrated diverse concepts of efficiency through form, function, and content. One of these concepts is nature, that has been present in the body and spirit of phenomena through and It affects on human sensory, cognitive and intuitive abilities via 1. Direct observation and influence of tangible elements as primary nature, 2. Involvement in nature and structural transformation of its elements as secondary nature, and 3. Concepts of nature abstractly abstracted in body and content. This multiplicity of times in different ages - from ancient mythical to new insights - has had a variety of meanings and depends on the components, according to the Foucault's ideas, discourses are their creator; Discourses that are the result of the power of society and contain statements that affect all structures of society. The First Pahlavi era in Iran is the transition from tradition to modernity and the era of innovative developments in architecture; national sweat and religious prejudice on the one hand and attachment to modern world developments on the other hand were influential components of these developments that led to there were various trends in architecture. Returning to the past, these tendencies embraced various concepts and adapted them to the conditions of society. In this period, internal and external political, social, and cultural developments have led to change in the structure of society. Undoubtedly, these variations interpreted the presence of nature and its derived concepts with new knowledge and insights. The main purpose of this study is to identify the discourses and their role in understanding the nature of the presence in the First Pahlavi period’s architectural index buildings. Foucault's Genealogy is research method and the technique of data analysis is discourse analysis. Foucauldian genealogy is a critical analysis attempting to disrupt common knowledge about things; it is an historical-analytical method that emphasizes disconnect, continuity and lack of oneness, and in search of evolutionary grand rules or profound meanings that make sense. It is a critical way of criticizing and analyzing the factors that have generated valuable concepts in the present time. Emphasis on the relationship of knowledge and the emergence of discourse in the intersection of power and knowledge and the impact of non-speech acts are among the issues encountered in this method. The results of the study show that the presence of nature and its implications in the architecture of the First Pahlavi period does not have a permanent and predetermined fixed identity and is not affected by the course of historical evolution; Rather, it is influenced by the presence of discourses that are formed in each period on the basis of the dominant characteristics of society and which have played a significant role in shaping their identities; In addition, the passage of time has not only contributed to the evolution and continuity of nature's presence in Iranian architecture, Rather, it has been the creator of disconnections that can be the prelude to the creation of a new form of domination and the discovery of new fact and knowledge in architecture.

Graphical Abstract

Investigating the Presence of Nature in the First Pahlavi ‘s Architectural  index buildings(Based on Foucault's Genealogy)


Main Subjects

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