Criteria for promoting creative vitality in educational spaces of elementary school from from professional’s perspective

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran


Research Problem: In the society, people's creative vitality leads to Improve the quality of Individual and social life, and clearly Pay attention to this issue and its solutions is very important. So School educational spaces as a suitable Platform that is related to young people, Plays an important role in promoting the land of students' creative vitality. Research literature reviwe indicates that space and natural and human made environment in creating creative vitality and the growth quality of school students has been effective. And also promote and enrich this spaces can be effective in personal development, education, social interaction and children's performance. Identity at the present time With the growing development of big and small cities, Architectural arrangements In order to influence this important matter that consist of important part of the time and environment living of the daily life of the country's youth, grow fades. The following article discussion the effects of spatial space attributes of school educational environments on students' creative vitality. Therefore, in the following according to the effect of the environment on students' creative vitality, the factors effecting the perspective of experts have been studied. In fact some environmental factors are independently effective in increasing the process of promoting creative vitality. Vitality and creativity overlap and in fact they are necessary for each other. Recent studies on creativity and vitality have shown that if children do not face environmental barriers at the age of 7 -11, they can direct their energy toward creative activities. Based on the content, Success in primary school is generally closely related to students' creative vitality. Accordingly the purpose of the present study is to provide criteria for promoting student’s creative vitality in elementry schools. The main question of the research is to determine the criteria for promoting creative vitality in primary schools.
Research Question: What are the key factors of primary school environment that influence creative vitality? What is the relationships between the physical concepts of educational spaces in primary school and it’s components of promoting creative vitality?
Research Method: In the study, research was conducted based on qualitative-quantitative methods, and using Delphi in the primer part. First step of the research were open interviewed of professional in the field of creative vitality. Then, with the techniques of open and axial coding the content table was created, and the questionnaire was organized in two stages. The population of this study was architectures, urban planners and psychologists. Network sampling method (snowball) on the sample size of 20 professionals is used. Snowball and the theoretical saturation was used to determine the sample size. The data were analyzed using “Q” factor analysis. Finally, the most affecting factors are identified on the creative vitality of each spatial attributes.
The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that physical-environmental, perceptual-expermental, psychological-mental, functional and social dimensionsof the environment were infuential on educational spaces in elementry schools, and the components to each of these concepts have been based on the opinions of the experts.

Graphical Abstract

Criteria for promoting creative vitality in educational spaces of elementary school from from professional’s perspective


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