Understanding the Nature of maintenant Patterns in Iranian Native Architecture (By adapting the concept of maintenance from Christopher Alexander's perspective on architectural patterns)

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. student in Architecture, Faculty Member of Arts and Architecture Department, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of Arts and Architecture Department, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran

3 Full Profesor , Faculty Member of Architecture and Urban Planning Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Professor, Faculty Member of Urban Planning Department, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran.


Research Problem: Architecture aimed at the comfort and well-being of man is the product of his thinking and mind and will thus respond to his material needs. Therefore, with renewed attention to the persistent values and principles of Iranian architecture over the last few decades, the view of indigenous architecture has emerged as an entity that can have both a model and a model for contemporary architecture, as sustainable patterns of construction for the people of any land. And in every historical period it preserves its native and cultural values. On the other hand, in the present age, the tendency to design architecture with an emphasis on recognizing, continuing and inspiring patterns has a high status and prominent architects have experience in it. so; It seems that due to the lack of proper knowledge of the patterns and their nature to date, there is no clear demarcation between them in terms of their durability. Therefore, knowing the concepts related to the pattern can determine the designer's path to select sustainable design patterns and, consequently, create the desired quality and meaning in the architectural space. As Salingroes believes; Patterns are one of the foundations for connecting design solutions with humans. Thus, by emphasizing the permanence of patterns, it is tried to continue the conceptual layers in today's architecture that understanding the nature of these patterns from various dimensions is a necessity of the present study.
Research Question: The purpose of this study, while expressing the fundamental differences between equivalence concepts with pattern from the aspect of the nature of existence and the nature of its formation , are their adaptation to the characteristics and factors affecting on maintenance (from the perspective of Alexander) to extract maintenant patterns as well. The main question of the research is what are the concepts and essences of the patterns and what is the relationship between them and Alexander's principles of permanence for their permanence?
Research Method: The present study was conducted using a quantitative approach Based on the scrolling method, it is descriptive – correlation , that in order to formulate the theoretical framework , using the documentary and library methodology , the literature and theoretical Foundations are discussed in detail , and then , by analyzing the existing concepts with emphasis on conceptual (mental) definitions, try to rationalize the arguments and, consequently, formulate a conceptual framework for research. Also , Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to test the research hypotheses.
The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The results of this research show that there is a significant relationship between the patterns maintenance and type, Mode and Time of Acquisition of human needs indices (p < 0/05). On the other hand, the findings of the research indicate that among the needs of the Iranian people , between the sense of belonging and identity with the principles of sustainable and ancient individual patterns , flexibility and safety with the ancient collective patterns and feeling of personality , calm , sense of the realm and sense of security With skype, the paradigm (intellectual system) has a direct and positive correlation (p < 0/05).

Graphical Abstract

Understanding the Nature of  maintenant Patterns in Iranian Native Architecture
(By adapting the concept of maintenance from Christopher Alexander's perspective on architectural patterns)


Main Subjects

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