investigating the interaction between user and semi-open spaces in contemporary residential units using space syntax

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 MS. Architecture, Architecture and urban studies research center, Shiraz branch, Islamic Azad university, shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Architecture, department of architecture, Shiraz branch, Islamic Azad Universicty, Shiraz, Iran


Research Problem: It is a few decades since lack of semi-open spaces have assumed importance in the housing, driving mankind to revise many conventional procedures in architectural design and construction. The role of semi-open spaces in the modern life is not hidden from anyone. This is the modern world's only chance to make closed spaces connected to the open spaces beyond the walls. In addition to environmental and climatic functions, these spaces play an important role in connecting humans with nature and reducing environmental stress. In order to gain the maximum user-space interaction, semi-open spaces must be design in an optimum level. This level of design take a deep vision about how these spaces work and what people are expect about them. In the body of cities, it has been observed that the semi-open spaces of a building, while having the same physical characteristics, show different dynamics and livability.  The reason for this difference can be finding in the component of interaction. In order to be interactive, the user and his personality traits, in addition to the environment are also involved in this process. Therefore, in the field of design as a pre-occupation process, due to the lack of accurate knowledge of the end user and how he occupies space, it is necessary to predict and optimize the factors which are related to the space as variables which are Available and can relied on. In this regard, this study is investigating factors and their constructive indicators in semi-open spaces which have been able to play a more prominent role in the interaction with the final user.
Research Question: What is the relationship between the interaction of the final user and semi-open spaces structure in residential units based on space syntax theory?
Which components have major impact on final-user interaction with semi-open spaces?
Research Method: This research has been done by examining case studies through field study and interview and its data has been analyzed by spatial syntax technique and Space syntax software and data analysis by examining the correlation coefficient by Spss software.
The Most Important Results and Conclusion: Finally, the results indicate that structural features have more affect than non-structural features in the interaction of semi-open residential spaces. Among these features, the connection index had the most impact on the amount of interactions while the correlation index on the intensity and type of these interactions. The average depth index is also inversely related to both the amount and intensity of interactions.
In addition to structural indicators, components such as acquisition method, area, ratio of semi-open space to area, per capita semi-open space have been effective in the interaction of semi-open spaces. The findings of this study also show that if the final user intervenes in the physical features to the extent that it can affect the structural features of the space, his interactions with the semi-open space will be maximized.

Graphical Abstract

investigating the interaction between  user and semi-open spaces  in contemporary residential units using space syntax


Main Subjects

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