The position of liminality in dwelling according to Christian Norberg Schulz; a study into the features and factors involved in the recognition and design of living spaces with a limen-oriented approach

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD student in Art Research, Farabi International Campus, Art University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor, Faculty of Theories and Art Studies, Art University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University, Tehran, Iran


Research Problem: Liminality, seen as an intermediary stage in anthropological theories, encompasses a spatial quality of “transition” and is considered a fundamental concept in comprehending the human condition. The position of liminality within the experience of life entails existential spatiality and comprises "Identity" and "orientation" aspects in the human-oriented concept of quadruple manner of dwelling in terms of Nurberg Schulz's architectural discourse. The concept materializes in the dialectical interplay between "staying” and “wandering” throughout the process of movement from one place to another, movement between individuals, and intimate connection with the environment. Liminality is hence a fundamental concept in the process of dwelling and space creation in architecture. Developing a more profound awareness of how this concept materializes through a framework of architectural concepts is thus an imperative field of research in this field.
Research question: What is the position of liminality within the concept of dwelling according to Norberg Schulz? What are the essential features of dwelling spaces and factors involved in architectural space design from a limen-oriented viewpoint?
Goal: Comprehending the position of liminality within the concept of dwelling and study the features and factors involved in the formation of living spaces based on the theoretical framework
Research Method: This descriptive-analytical research has been done through studying sources related to liminality and dwelling and deducing findings from investigations.
The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The studies performed on the dialectic between the two components of staying and wandering within the concept of dwelling according to Norberg Schulz and the examples and practices raised in his authorship suggest that the liminality’s fundamental position emerges in the concept and act of dwelling. Architecture based on this concept would adopt a human-aesthetical position based on the set of social and spatial dialectic relations that yield varied levels of internality in different liminal spaces including accessibility routes and paths, exterior spaces and views, entrance spaces, interior spaces in a variety of threshold spaces and in the different states of closed, open, and semi-open on the various scales of settlement, city, institution, and residential unit. The present work found the primary features of these spaces to be spatial hierarchies, articulation in physical factors, openness and permeability, robustness; variability, and dynamism, which correspond to the qualities of transitional space. This set of features along with the factors involved in design at various dwelling scales contributed to a theoretical framework to investigate the various types of architectural spaces based on the limen-oriented approach.

Graphical Abstract

The position of liminality in dwelling according to Christian Norberg Schulz; a study into the features and factors involved in the recognition and design of living spaces with a limen-oriented approach


Main Subjects

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