Optimal selection in the adaptive reuse of historic building based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Case study: Khadivi Historic House in Zanjan, Iran)

Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Conservation of Architectural Heritage, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Imam khomeini international university, Qazvin, Iran.


Research Problem: The multifaceted nature of the adaptive reuse of historic buildings concept and its complexity with numerous and diverse influencing factors in the field of action, including the multiplicity of possible alternatives, the variety of evaluation criteria, and the possible conflict in the opinions and expectations of stakeholders, has made the field of decision-making in this arena perplexingly complicated. In this regard, the need to adopt a scientific method requiring that the Analytic Hierarchy Process be used concerning its efficiency in multi-criteria and multi-alternative environments so that by relying on the comparative judgments of experts, a consensus can be reached in determining the optimal alternative. The selection of the Khadivi Historic House also provides an objective basis for testing the generalization of the method above, in the domain of locally valuable buildings by relying on its ability to be reused.
Research Question: How can the Analytic Hierarchy Process be applied to choose the optimal alternative for adaptive reuse of historic buildings?
Research Objectives: This article is based on explanatory research that was done to create a decision-making model in the adaptive reuse of historic buildings based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process to provide the possibility of choosing the optimal alternative based on it.
Research Method: This article's methodological framework is based on a quantitative approach based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process and consistent with mathematical logic. According to the nature of the data, the respondents were defined as an expert group of nine people and a group of forty-one people. In this regard, Data collection was conducted using the documentary method to identify the criteria and sub-criteria, while the field method was employed to determine the alternatives and construct a pairwise comparison matrix. Also, Data processing employed a three-step hierarchical analysis: decomposition and structuring, measurement, and synthesis, using Expert Choice Software Version 11.
The Most Important Results and Conclusions: Determining the relationship between the essential elements of decision-making showed that the adaptive reuse of Khadivi Historic House as a "house museum" is the optimal choice, and the architectural, cultural and economic criteria are the most critical factors in this selection, respectively. In addition, the conceptual model of adaptive reuse of historic buildings based on the four concepts of Transformation, Evolution, Continuity, and Adaptation, as well as the system of criteria, sub-criteria, and evaluation indicators in this approach, are implicit results of this research.

Graphical Abstract

Optimal selection in the adaptive reuse of historic building based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Case study: Khadivi Historic House in Zanjan, Iran)


Main Subjects

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